Carma Cube
A mechanical pet that sucks radiation from its surroundings. It consists of a square-cut outer body and an inflatable device on the inside. The longer the object is exposed to radiation, the more the inside inflates, finally emerging through the holes of the outer body. The object changes its shape, finally becoming round and soft.
Technical Prototype:
The video shows a simple, reasonably working prototype. An electro-smog sensor reacts to the increasing radiation of the mobile phone during an incoming call, transmitting this signal to a small pump, which is inflating a balloon as long as the phone is active. Some components of the object have been taken from other technical devices. Pump and valve, for example, were taken from a commercial automatic blood pressure meter and would be very hard to find and/or very expansive individually.
Used components:
- a mini pump, type KPM14A (DC 3V)
- a valve, type KSV05A-3A1 (DC 3V)
- a battery pack, type Accumulator NiMH
(6xAAA 7,2V/650mAh 2pol. BEC)
- a WLAN-sensor
- an electro-smog-sensor
- a circuit board
(incl. Standalone Arduino)
© 2020 Lars Hammerschmidt, Berlin - CV | LinkedIn | Tumblr | Soundcloud | Vimeo